Tuesday, December 2, 2008


One hundred years from now when our faces will just be faint images in the memories of our great great grandchildren and our names will just be alphabetical inscriptions in our moss-covered tombstones, Filipinos will remember Manny Pacquiao just as our generation recall and glorify the heroism of Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado.

The Rizalists may exclaim: "Blasphemy!" They would have every right to complain if Manny Pacquiao were compared to Jose Rizal in the context of the national hero's ultimate sacrifice -- dying for the his country and people.

Indeed, they are two contrasting personas.

Rizal came from a rich family which showered him with love and support. Pacquiao was a street kid who was abandoned by his father as a young boy and who had to struggle to survive in the concrete jungles of the Big City. Read Full Article ...

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